Freedom is never free.....

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."-Samuel Adams

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rants and Raves........

On President Obama....

Is this guy an idiot or what??? Says no way Israel has the “green light” to takeout Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities......

On Joe Biden....

Is this guy an idiot or what??? Says Israel has “the right” to deal with Iran any way it sees fit......I think these guys better get on the same page.

On Al Franken....

A true show of class.....this is what we really need in the Senate...a guy pictured in a political experience unless you call really bad scripts for SNL politics.....

On Alec Baldwin.....

The word is he wants to add “Senator” to his resume which includes movie star, TV star, radio talk show host...uh...well...scratch that....nobody listened. Hopefully this holds true with regard to his political aspirations.

On Sarah Palin........

Time to climb out of the igloo if she wants a national stage....good move to resign with plenty of time to remake herself for 2012. Unfortunately, she is not the answer to what ails our country, unless she runs as a Libertarian, which she isn’t and won’t......

On Michelle Obama.....

You’re getting $600. What can you do with that? a pair of earrings.” Is she serious? Her remark is not unlike the mantra of the left with respect to persons of wealth...”They don’t need that much money....” BTW, her selection of outfits for the Russian trip was outstanding, perhaps a bit risqué with a bold selection of accessories.........

On Global Warming, I mean Cooling, I mean.......

I’m not that smart, but at a time when 90% of the world’s glaciers are growing, and 46 out of the 57 states have reported record low temperature for the month of June, and the average temperature has fallen nearly a degree (F°) since 2006, does this mean global warming or global cooling? Man, oh, man, were we duped. Do you think the U.S. Senate will read this in time to toss out Cap and Tax?

On Michael Jackson and Rep. King.....

Please, JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!! What makes the Republican King better than the Democrat King when it comes to talking about the King of Pop? I think the GOP is just about done. Can we please focus on public policy and 86 the commentary on Jacko? WGAF, anyway.

End of the World Update........

It seems the ancient Egyptians and Chinese are concurring with the Mayans regarding December 12, 2012. OMG, get your affairs in order. On the plus side, Obama won’t serve another term......

On the War on Terror, or Whatever It’s Called Now.......

(7) GI’s killed in Afghanistan a couple of days ago. Obama pledged to pull out of Iraq, but what he didn’t tell us is that he was going to ship them to the land of the Taliban. The Soviets gave up after (10) long will it take for us to come to the same conclusion.........

On the War on Terror, or Whatever It’s Called Now Part 2.......

The Iraquis had parades and fireworks and celebrations when our troops pulled out of Baghdad. How long will it take for them to beg us to return? When will the bloodbath begin? How long will it be after our complete exodus that the Iranians move in? How about the Syrians? Al-Qaeda? Taliban? Hezbollah? Hamas? Hari Krishna’s?

On Gitmo.........

Guantanamo Bay has been ordered to close, and I think there are still some residents who disposition is undecided. Obama thought this was a great idea for the advancement of humanitarianism, but didn’t think about where to send the occupants. Discovering there aren't many takers internationally, perhaps he could move them into a co-op in Chicago. I don’t think anybody would notice........just blame it on the Crips..........

On Economic Stimulus.....

Laura Tyson, a member of President Obama’s crack staff of economic advisors, recommended a second round of “stimulus” to re-jumpstart the economy. The logic is: a) the first round was a rousing success that has saved the country from the depths of depression, or b) the original “stimulus” package has been an abysmal failure. I think “b”.

On the NFL and extra-marital affairs..........

Don’t make promises you can’t keep.......including being a father to four children........and a faithful husband, let’s not forget in peace, Steve.....

On Universal Healthcare.......

Perhaps the greatest idea to come down the pike.......history shows this to be the best healthcare system if you don’t have to use it......stay healthy........die before you turn 60.........Will members of Congress have the same healthcare plan that the rest of us will be stuck with? Tee Hee.......

Thought for the Day......

Are camels in Iraq kind of like our squirrels?

Quote for the Day......

"Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."

--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

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