On Turtle Flu: It seems the Australians have identified a new strain of flu that can be transferred directly from pet turtles to humans....pigs....birds...turtles? We are all doomed......next thing you know flu will be passed from human to human.....
On Healthscare: The president revived the healthcare debate by handing out white lab coats at the White House....is BHO a great strategist, or what?
On Healthscare 2: Harry “I’m a blithering fool” Reid and Nancy “I didn’t used to look like this” Pelosi are fighting a GOP plan to post the Health care Reform bill online 72 hours prior to the Senate vote. Funny thing is, the Dems are not supporting this effort......gee...I wonder why? It would suck to actually know what was in the bill.........
On Healthscare 3: ........so I’m walking into a grocery store the other day, and, as always, there are those antiseptic hand wipes by the door. The lady I followed in grabs a grocery cart, by the handle, wheels it to the door, and proceeds to wipe down the handle with one of those antiseptic hand wipes......this is kind of like putting on a condom right after sex.........isn’t it?
On the War on Terror: The Clueless-in-Chief is having a difficult time deciding whether or not to adopt the strategies as recommended by General McCrystal.
On the War on Terror 2: The leader of the Pakistani Taliban is apparently a very funny guy, and also not dead as the White House had reported. Flanked by his homeboys, he was cracking jokes and promised death to all American Pig Dog Infidels (PDI’s). He also described his group's relationship to al-Qaeda as one of "love and affection." Makes me weepy.........
On the Stimulus: Another great idea.....like the New Deal and the Great Society......Why can’t our fearless leaders in
On the End of World: It seems as though the Hopi Indians of the American southwest came up with December 21st, 2012 as the “end of the world as we know it” around the same time the Mayans did.....is that Karma or what?
On the End of World 2: So what happens on
On Pack Mentality: So WTF is wrong with
On Michelle O.: I still think she could whip Barack’s ass.........
On our Vice-Idiot: "Nobody is going to mess with your benefits. Nobody. All we do is make it better for people on Medicare," except ObamaCare takes away $100 billion over ten years from Medicare, which really means $500 billion. Since when can the Feds do more with less? I am so screwed.......
On Barney Frank: Breaking News! The CDC has confirmed MCBD (Mass Constituent Brain Damage) for the entire 4th Congressional district of Massachusetts. This district has reelected Rep. Frank every (2) years since 1981. Environmental testing is ongoing..........quarantine a possibility.....
On Random Lyrics of 60’s Protest Songs:
Breakfast where the news is read
Television children fed
Unborn living, living, dead
Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And it's all over
For the unknown soldier
It's all over
For the unknown soldier
-Jim Morrison
And finally.......
“My enemy’s enemy is my friend” is an old Chinese proverb. The Prime Minister of Great Britain, circa 1940 said the following:
"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons" - Winston Churchill
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