Freedom is never free.....

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."-Samuel Adams

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Relative Truth

Truth -noun, plural truths [trooth z, trooths]

1) the true or actual state of a matter

2) conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement

3) actuality or actual existence

4) an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude

5) honesty; integrity; truthfulness

It is true that all forms of abortion are acceptable; and it is true that no forms of abortions are acceptable; it is true that that first trimester abortions are acceptable.

It is true that foreign military intervention is the moral and just thing to do; it is true that foreign military intervention is moral and just when it applies to “National Security”; it is true that foreign military intervention is never applicable and we should protect our shores and borders from invasion.

It is true that redistribution of wealth is just and proper; it is true that the collection of taxes to distribute to the masses of the unfortunate is just and proper; it is true that the ideal of taking care of our own is just and proper.

It is true that the government should provide 100% of the populace with health care; it is true that the government should provide the less fortunate with health care; it is true that the populace should pay for catastrophic healthcare insurance and pay the rest out-of-pocket.

It is true that marriage is defined as one man and one woman; it is true that marriage is defined as two people that love each other, regardless of sex.

It is true that mankind is causing global climatic collapse; it is true that global climate change is a natural cycle and has nothing to do with mankind.

It is true that there is a shortage of fossil fuel sources globally; it is true there is not a shortage of fossil fuel sources globally.

It is true that drug usage among teenagers is down; it is true that drug usage among teenagers is up.

It is true there is a God; it is true there is no God.

It is true there is life after death; it is true there is no afterlife.

It is true we are all created equal; it is true we are not.

It is true that sex is only for procreation; it is true that sex is for recreation, as well.

It is true that Christ will one day return; it is true he will not.

It is true that a high fiber diet is healthy; it is true that a high fiber diet makes no difference.

It is true that marijuana is the scourge of society; it is true that it is harmless.

It is true man walked on the moon; it is true they did not.

It is true that life follows death; it is true that death follows life.

It is true that nuclear weapons are bad; it is true nuclear weapons are good.

It is true that prophets are false; it is true that they are not.

It is true good is bad; it is true that bad is good.

It is true that truth is false. It is true that fallacy is truth.

It is true that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Or is it?

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