Freedom is never free.....

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."-Samuel Adams

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rants and Raves........

On the 10th Amendment: Massachusetts is considering legislation to allow the police to enter a home without a warrant to quarantine (detain) those with H1N1. The 10th Amendment is my favorite, so.........but, golly........

On Fossil Fuel: British Petroleum discovered a huge reserve of oil in the Gulf of Mexico......whatever.....

On the survival of the Human Race: Secretary Ban Ki-Moon paid a visit to the “doomsday” seed vault in Antarctica because.....because.......well........I don’t think a guy with a name like Ban Ki-Moon should be in charge of anything....

Swine Flu 2: The CDC and our plus size Surgeon General says to expect between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths due to the Little that’s nailing it........did you know that, on average, 36,000 Americans die every year from the flu?.......30,000 sounds better than 36,000,,,,,,,,,,,

On the 2nd Amendment: Does the NRA need a better spokesman than Ted Nugent? He’s the guy we need in the Oval Office.....except he’s way to intelligent for that job........

On Healthcare: "The president is considering all of his options on how to advance the debate and get reform passed. This includes possibly laying out a more specific vision. No decisions have been made, though," the Whitehouse official said.......”possible.....more specific decisions....” Huh? Jumbo Shrimp? Working vacation? Deafening silence?

So who says racehorses have to pee any worse than anybody else?

On the War on Terror (or whatever it’s called today): The Soviets were in Afghanistan for (10) years and left with a lot less soldiers and helicopters that it came in with......Why is our war different? We’ve been there (8) years with no end in sight......we will come home eventually with a lot less soldiers and helicopters.........

On the Stimulus: Productivity is at a (6) year high, housing sales are up, unemployment has stagnated, durable goods sale are up......experts are reporting the recession is all but history.......the stimulus money is on NEXT years budget......way to go Prez.........

On heavy metal: Cotton-Top Mandarin Monkeys have reportedly developed an affection for music from Metallica........

On the End of World: Due to the Mayans prediction that the world will end on December 21st, 2012, should I even consider early Christmas shopping that year? Will there be more holiday discounts? Just wonderin’.......

On Bush the Younger: Since January 21st, 2009, “W” has not said a single word about anything...perhaps the smartest political move he has ever’s killing the current occupant of the Oval Office.....BHO wishes like hell “W” would say something...anything............ain’t gonna happen.

On our Vice-Idiot: Good to see VP Biden is attending to matters of state attending the Little League World Series..........he was inducted into the Little League Hall of Excellence....oh, boy......

On MJ: Has anybody buried that poor SOB yet?

More on MJ: In light of the fact that none of his children possess one strand of his DNA, and he could have bought any sperm donor in the world, why in the HELL would he pick Macaulay Culkin to father ANY of his that is wrong.......

On Nancy Pelosi: She looks really, really awful, doesn’t she?

On Teddy K.: Rest in Peace, dude, but it may be hot where you are headed......

On Mary Jo K.: I hope you are resting in peace now that your killer finally got his........(Ouch!)

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." --Thomas Paine

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